Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Requiescat in Pace: Frank Goodsir (1930-2011)

Integrity NYC-Metro has learned of the recent death of Frank Goodsir, an active member of the NYC Chapter in its early days and a friend of the community.  Among Frank's recent ministries was the coordination of monthly monthly services  of the National AIDS Memorial within the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine. 

We are gathering details about Frank's life and contributions, and hope to offer a more substantial tribute here in the near future. Anyone who can provide more details is requested to contact Christian Paolino, Integrity's Diocesan Coordinator (Newark) at newark@integrityusa.org.

A Memorial Service will be held this coming Saturday, November 5th at 10:30 a.m., at the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine, 1047 Amsterdam Avenue, New York.  All members and friends of the Chapter are encouraged to attend if able.  Transit: Cathedral Pkwy (0.2 mi W) 1  

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