Monday, September 21, 2009

iNYC Celebrates Strides at General Convention

IntegrityNYC hosted a Solemn Eucharist at St. Luke in the Fields Church in Manhattan's historic Greenwich Village. About 60 people from across New York City and New Jersey gathered in thanksgiving for the strides made this summer by the Episcopal Church's General Convention on LGBTQ issues.

The Rt. Rev. Catherine Roskam, Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of New York, presided; David Casey (Grace), Convener of IntegrityNYC, preached; The Rev Hugh Grant, Curate, and The Rev Caroline Stacey, Rector (St. Luke's) assisted; The Rev. Dn. Kent Curtis (All Saints), served as Deacon; The Altar Guild and Acolyte Guild of St. Luke's offered their time and talents in the service; Shauna Leeks (St. Barts) and Michael Cudney (Holy Apostles and iNYC Steering Committee) read the lessons. Ms. Leeks, Wayne Seifried (Ascension), Chap Day (St. Luke's, iNYC Steering Committee, and Province II Coordinator Elect), and Michael Mallon (St. Luke's and iNYC Steering Committee) served as Ushers; and John Bradley (St. Lukes and Polyhymia) and David Shuler (St. Luke's) provided music.

"America is not the same place it was 50 years ago...or even 10 years ago; and neither is the Episcopal Church" proclaimed David Casey. "When we get All the Sacraments for All the Baptized, we will still not be done! We will still have to deal with homophobia and hetero-sexism in the same way that Women in the Church are still facing Sexism and People of Color in the Church are still facing racism." pulling from the Gospel of Mark, David pointed to the marginalized youth, especially those outside of the Church who will still need our help, support and love.

A collection was taken in honor of "The Church". The Church is a ministry offered by St. Luke's to the LGBTQA Youth in Greenwich Village. Greenwich Village is a destination for thousands of LGBTQA young people who come from all over the city and beyond looking for a safe place to express themselves without fear of homophobic violence or moral condemnation. In 2001, St. Luke’s began opening their doors to these young people on Saturday nights by offering a hot meal, workshops in the visual and performing arts, and the services of social workers and caring adult volunteers. Today the program serves 20-30 young people each week and more than 600 youth ages 14-21 are currently enrolled. The Reverend Mary Foulke, who oversees the program, estimates that at least 1/3 of the attendees are homeless.

An intimate reception followed in St. Luke's Laughlin Hall. Pictures were taken by Jon Nally.

The Rev. Hugh Grant and David Casey greet attendees.

The iNYC Steering Committee and Bishop Roskam
L-R: Chap Day, David Casey, The Rt. Rev. Catherine Roskam, Michael Cudney, Marlin Mattson, and Michael Mallon (not pictured Rachel Furer, Dale McNeil)


the Reverend boy said...

Everyone remarked how truly wonderful the service was. If anyone is interested in the text of the sermon please visit

JD Nalley said...

It was a wonderful service. Thanks to all who helped to organize it and did service in it. The late afternoon hour lent an awesome quality to it.