For the first time in several years, in 2010, the Committee on LGBT Concerns of the Episcopal Diocese of New York, in collaboration with Integrity NYC-Metro and the Oasis-Diocese of Newark, as well as many parishes and individuals, sponsored a float in the annual New York City LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bi-Sexual & Trans-Gender) Pride March in June. Several hundred Episcopalians, from parishes large and small, from Staten Island to Sullivan County, marched down Fifth Avenue with the float, the largest religious contingent in the entire March!
In order to do this again in 2011, we need your help. The LGBT Pride March is not a budgeted item. We rely on donations from individuals, parishes and groups in order to make it possible. The cost is between $6000.00 and $7000.00 and our suppliers (float, music, registration) require payment in advance. While it may seem a bit early, Easter has just passed and the LGBT Pride March is on Sunday, June 26th, the second Sunday after Pentecost.
The Church of St. Luke in the Fields has agreed to act as our treasurer this year. Please make your checks payable to The Church of St. Luke in the Fields, note Pride March in the memo field and mail to:
Paul J. Lane
c/o The Church of St. Luke in the Fields
487 Hudson Street
New York, NY 10014
The March takes place on Sunday, June 26, 2011. It will proceed down Fifth Avenue from the lower 30s to its usual end point on Christopher and Greenwich Streets in the West Village. Our exact meeting time and location won’t be known until about two weeks prior to the actual March. You will not need to register your group separately. We will take care of registration and marshals. All you need to do to participate is show up. We will post the information on the LGBT Concerns web-page: www.dioceseny.org/pages/346-lgbt-concerns and our Facebook page: www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=220187362837 as soon as the March organizers let us know.
If you have any questions, please contact Paul Lane at 646-456-8705 or LGBTConcerns@dioceseny.org