Sunday, June 20, 2010

Trans Day of Action - 25 Jun 2010, 4pm at City Hall Park

Co-Sponsored Event:
Where: City Hall Park
When: 25 Jun, 4pm-7pm

The 6th Annual NYC Trans Day of Action for Social and Economic Justice Points of Unity
Initiated by TransJustice of the Audre Lorde Project, a Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Two-Spirit, Trans and Gender Non-Conforming People of Color Center for Community Organizing.
June 25, 2010
We call on our Trans and Gender Non-Conforming (TGNC) community and on all of our allies from many movements to join us for the 6th Annual Trans Day of Action for Social and Economic Justice. We as TGNC People of Color (POC) recognize the importance of working together alongside other movements to change the world we want to see. We live in a time when oppressed peoples including communities such as people of color, immigrants, youth and elders, people with disabilities, women and TGNC people, and poor people are disproportionately underserved, face higher levels of discrimination, heightened surveillance and experience increased violence at the hands of the state. We are in solidarity with communities in Arizona organizing to fight the ongoing policing of our identities as they resist and oppose SB-1070 that legalizes unchecked racial profiling by police of anyone they “suspect” is undocumented.

It is critical that we unite and work together towards dismantling the transphobia, racism, classism, sexism, ageism, ableism, homophobia and xenophobia that permeates throughout our movements for social justice. Let’s come together to let the world know that TGNC rights will not be undermined and together we will not be silenced! These are the points of unity, which hold together the purpose of this important march:

  • We demand that TGNC people have equal access to employment and education opportunities. We are outraged by the high numbers of TGNC people who are unemployed. Many TGNC people continue to face blatant discrimination and harassment from employers due to systemic transphobia. Few TGNC people have access to opportunities for learning in a safe school environment. TGNC people demand that all employers and educational institutions implement non-discrimination policies that respect the rights of all workers and students and that they comply with the NYC Human Rights Law that prohibits discrimination against gender identity and expression.
  • We demand that all people receiving public assistance entitlements including TGNC People of Color, be treated with respect and dignity. We are in solidarity with all people living on public assistance. The NYC agency responsible for the administration of public welfare, the Human Resources Administration (HRA), finally passed the procedure for Serving Trans and Gender Non Conforming clients, but this is not enough! We demand full implementation of the procedure including culturally competent trainings for all employees.
  • We demand the full legalization of all immigrants. TGNC people deserve the right to access competent and respectful immigration services. We demand that the consulates of all countries respect and honor our identities and issue passports and other documentation that accurately reflects who we are. We oppose the guest worker program, the Real ID Act, enforcement provisions to build more walls and give greater powers to the Department of Homeland Security, increased barriers for asylum seekers, and other anti-immigrant policies that continue to divide our communities. We stand in solidarity with Indigenous-identified Two-Spirit people and the sovereignty of the First Nations, on whose land we now see the US attempt to enforce arbitrary boarders.
  • We are in solidarity with all prisoners, especially the many TGNC people behind the walls who are often invisible even within prisoner’s rights movements. We call attention to the under-reported accounts of severe violence and rape that our community faces at the hands of correction officers and other prisoners, in psychiatric facilities, and group homes. We demand an end to the torture and high level of discrimination TGNC prisoners face. We demand that all TGNC prisoners receive competent and respectful healthcare. We oppose the continued growth of the prison industrial complex that continues to target our communities, yet we recognize that TGNC people need access to services and facilities that lessen our vulnerability to violence within the present jails and prisons. We are opposed to the closing of the “gay and Trans housing” unit on Rikers. We call attention to the criminal injustice system that increasingly puts POC, immigrants, people with disabilities, TGNC people and poor people behind bars - further criminalizing our communities and our lives.
  • We demand that TGNC people have access to respectful and safe living spaces and community spaces. Many TGNC people face severe discrimination from landlords and housing administrators displacing us from our homes due to gender identity or expression. A disproportionate number of TGNC people have been or are currently homeless. However, many homeless TGNC people continue to face discrimination and violence when trying to access shelters and other assisted living programs. NYC law and the Department of Homeless Services (DHS) state that people will be placed in shelters according to that person’s gender identity and that discrimination based on gender identity will not be tolerated. We support Queers for Economic Justice in their demand that all DHS shelter administrators provide adequate Trans sensitivity trainings for all personnel and enforce clear non-discrimination policies that respect the dignity and safety of all homeless people. We oppose the ongoing profit driven development of our neighborhoods. We support FIERCE’s campaign to counter the displacement and criminalization of LGBTQ youth of color at the Christopher Street Pier and in Manhattan's West Village.
  • We oppose the US “War on Terrorism” as an excuse to legitimize the expansion of the U.S. as an imperial super power and to justify a national security strategy that is really meant to militarize our boarders and heighten surveillance and control over people living in the U.S., separating our communities by fostering feelings of hate, xenophobia, and violence. Every day we see more and more of our basic human rights like jobs, education, housing, privacy, self-determination and the right of dissent slipping away from all of us. We must demand the immediate removal of all U.S. troops from all countries under occupation and demand an end of use of U.S. dollars to cultivate and sponsor wars against people in the U.S. and abroad.
  • We demand justice for the many TGNC people who have been beaten, assaulted, raped, and murdered yet these incidents continue to be silenced, misclassified or blamed on the victim. The police and the media continue to criminalize us even when we try to defend ourselves. Hate crime laws will not solve the problem but will give increased power to the state to put more people in jail. Instead we call for a unified effort for all of us to look deeper into the root causes of why these incidents happen. As a society that seeks social justice we seek to find ways of holding people accountable and coming to a joint understanding of how we can make our communities safer for all of us. Like many other oppressed communities such as POC, immigrants, people with disabilities and poor people, TGNC people are targeted, profiled and brutalized by the police. We demand an end to the profiling, harassment, brutality and murder that occurs at the hands of the police! These incidents of violence do not occur in isolation, and are aggravated by racism, sexism, classism, ableism, xenophobia, misogyny, ageism and homophobia.
We are in solidarity with the family of Sean Bell, who are still tirelessly working towards justice after the police were acquitted of charges. We are in solidarity with the Jersey 4, 4 Lesbian women arrested in the West Village for defending themselves from a man that assaulted them. We are in solidarity with Miriam, a transgender woman who was pushed out the window of her 4th floor apt and left for dead. We commemorate the memory of Amanda Milan, Sakia Gunn, Ruby Ordeñana, Gwen Araujo, Erika Keels, Victoria Arellano, Lawrence King, Saneesha Stewart, Ashley Santiago, Amanda Gonzalez-Andujar, April Green and the many other brave souls we have lost, who struggled and lived their lives fearlessly day in and day out, being true to who they were. They keep the fire of struggle burning within all of us.

On June 25, 2010, TGNC People of Color and allies will take on the streets of New York City once again and demand justice to let the world know that the Stonewall rebellion is not over and we will continue fighting for social and economic justice, raising our voices until we are heard. We call on all social justice activists from communities of color, the LGBT movement, immigrant rights movement, the anti-war movement, the reproductive justice movement, disability justice movements, youth and student groups, trade unions and worker organizations, religious communities and HIV/AIDS and social service agencies, both local and organizations around the country to endorse this call to action and to build contingents to march in solidarity together on June 25, 2010.
Endorsed by the following Organizations:
2-Spirit First Nations Collective, African Ancestral Lesbians United for Societal Change (AALUSC), Ali Forney Center, ALLGO, Anti-Violence Project, Astraea Foundation, Axios Eastern Orthodox LGBT Christians, Barangay NY, BiNET USA, Brooklyn Community Pride Center, Butch Voices, CAAAV, Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, casa atabex ache'- the house of womyn's power, Community HIV/AIDS Mobilization Project (CHAMP), Community Kinship Life (CKlife), Community United Against Violence (CUAV), Congregation Beth Simchat Torah (CBST), Day One, DC Trans Coalition, El/La Para TransLatinas, Femme Menace Action Club, Femme Sharks, FIERCE!, Filipinas for Rights and Empowerment (FIRE), FIST, Freedom Train Productions, GAPIMNY, GATE - Global Action for Trans* Equality, Girls for Gender Equity, GLAAD, GLOBE, GRIOT Circle, Hetrick-Martin Institute, Human Right Campaign, Idriss Stelley Foundation, Inner Child Experience, Integrity NYC Metro, Interfaith Coalition for Transgender Equality (ICTE), Jews For Racial and Economic Justice, Jim Collins Foundation, Justice Committee, Justice League Activate!, Kolot Chayeinu/Voices of Our Lives, Lambda Legal, Latinos/as Unidos de New York(LUNY), LGBT Center N.Y.C., MCCNY, Movement Support Project, Ms. Foundation, National Coalition of Anti-Violence Programs (NCAVP), National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, National INCITE! Coalition, New York City Anti-Violence Project, New York Transgender Rights Organization (NYTRO), Nodutdol for Korean Community Development, OUTmedia, Peter Cicchino Project, Poly Patao Productions (P3), Pride Goes East, PRYDE, Queer Black Cinema International Film Festival, Queer People Of Color Action/Working Class Queer People, Queers for Economic Justice, Q-Wave, Radical Women, Rev. Janyce L. Jackson, Liberation In Truth Unity Fellowship Church, Riot Grrrl Ink, SAGE, SALGA N.Y.C, Sanctuary Collective, SF Education Not Incarceration, SF TAPA (Transgenders Against Police Abuse), Soulforce, SWANK (Sex Workers Action New York), SWOP-NYC (Sex Workers Outreach Project-NYC), Sylvia Rivera Law Project, Texas GSA Network, The Transgender Law Center, TransCEND Boston, Transgender Health Empowerment,Transgender, Gender Variant and Intersex Justice Project, Washington Heights Corner Project

Upcoming Pride Celebrations

A Message from Paul Lane
The Committee on LGBT Concerns of the Diocese of New York, along with Integrity NYC Metro and Oasis Newark invite everyone to join us in the 2010 LGBT Pride March on Sunday, June 27th 2010. This year we have a float with music. The float is very basic. Our people will add the color, so dress accordingly and don’t forget the sunscreen. Please bring your parish banner or a sign identifying your parish.

Our meeting place is on East 38th Street, between Madison and Park Avenues. Everyone should be there and ready to go at 12:30 p.m. The March NYC Pride will do their best to get us moving shortly thereafter. Due to security regulations, you may not join the March en route.

If you will be unable to attend your local Sunday service you are warmly invited to join with Integrity NYC Metro and Oasis Newark in worship at the Church of the Transfiguration, One East 29th Street for their 11:00 a.m. Eucharist. Meet Chap Day in front of the church after the service and walk the 9 short blocks to the March staging area together. (about 10 minute walk). Bishop Andrew St. John and the folks at Transfiguration are excited to have us for this service!

We will be looking for folks to help carry an Episcopal banner, the OASIS banner, and the Integrity banner in shifts, and want all of our parishes to be represented.

After the March, please join with your fellow marchers at a Festive Choral Evensong at the Church of St. Luke in the Fields, Hudson Street south of Christopher, at 6:30 p.m. The Rt. Rev. Herbert A. Donovan will preside. Rev. Altagracia Perez will preach. Refreshments will follow on the grounds.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Paul Lane at

Paul J. Lane

Pride March Coordinator, Episcopal Diocese of New York Committee on LGBT Concerns
New York Diocesan Organizer, Integrity USA
Board Member, Integrity NYC-Metro

Integrity Eucharist at Transfiguration
Where: 29th St between 5th Ave and Madison Ave
When: 11am - 27 Jun 2010

Episcopal Contingency at Heritage of Pride (Mustering Spot)
Where: 38th St between Madison Ave and Park Ave
When: 12:30pm - 27 Jun 2010

Annual Gay Pride Evensong at St Luke in the Fields
Where: Hudson St at Grove St (South of Christopher St)
When: 6:30pm - 27 Jun 2010 (get there at 6 for a good seat)

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

A Visit by Bishop Christopher Senyonjo

The story below was provided by Paul J. Lane, Diocesan Organizer for Integrity in the Diocese of New York. The photo shows Paul on the left, Bishop Christopher in the center, and Chap James Day [Integrity's Province 2 Coordinator] on the right.

The aroma of the incense hung heavily in the hot, humid air as the Ugandan prelate mounted the steps of the pulpit in the old village church, St. Luke in the Fields, in New York’s Greenwich Village last Sunday [June 6, 2010].

The Right Reverend Christopher Senyonjo, the retired Bishop of the Diocese of West Buganda, Uganda, took as his subject the second reading of the day: Galatians 1:11-24; Paul discussing his conversion from his former life as a persecutor of Christians. The congregation listened in rapt attention as the bishop spoke of his own "conversion" and how, by listening to the stories of LGBT people, he came to believe that LGBT Christians are full members of the body of Christ. He told of how he also has been persecuted and how, if a new bill proposed in the Ugandan Parliament becomes law, he himself may be jailed for his inclusive stance. He also spoke of how, in Uganda, openly LGBT persons are not able to receive any treatment for HIV/AIDS.

The Rev. Mary Foulke, Senior Associate for Pastoral Care and Outreach at St. Luke’s "was delighted to welcome Bp. Christopher to St. Luke’s and to make this connection with those around the world who embrace a critical Biblical theology in support of liberative practices of welcoming and standing up with those on the margins. Bp. Christopher is a wonderful example of many grassroots priests, bishops and lay leaders in the Southern Hemisphere that are doing great work and who don’t get the press or attention that others with more conservative American support seem to attract."

Paul J. Lane, the Chair of the parish’s LGBT Life @ St. Luke’s Committee and Diocesan Organizer for Integrity for the Diocese of New York says that "as a parish, this is only the beginning of our relationship with Bp. Christopher and Integrity Uganda. Our goal is to be able to raise $1000.00 for Bp. Christopher’s ministry and we began that journey today. The stories of our LGBT brothers and sisters around the world must be brought to the attention of those of us who live in more accepting societies." St. Luke’s history as been one of full inclusion as well as support of such organizations such as Integrity USA and Changing Attitude Nigeria, having in the past hosted Mr. Davis Mac-Iyalla, the exiled leader of CA Nigeria.

After the service, Bp. Christopher was an honored guest at the annual parish picnic, where he was able to speak directly to many parish members, including a group of seminarians from his own alma mater, Union Theological Seminary.

Integrity USA, a 35-year-old LGBT advocacy group within The Episcopal Church, is the sponsor of Bishop Christopher visit.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Rally To Protect Homeless LGBT Youth - 14 Jun, 6:30 pm at Union Sq

Co-Sponsored Event
Where: Union Square
When: 6:30pm, 14 Jun

On Monday, June 14th at 6:30PM, numerous prominent LGBT and progressive leaders and organizations will come together at a highly anticipated rally at Union Square in support of the LGBT Homeless Youth community. Comedian, singer, actress, author and out lesbian Sandra Bernhard will speak along with Iraq Combat Veteran and gay rights activist Dan Choi, as well as youth representatives from various organizations serving young LGBT people.

As LGBT youth find the courage to come out of the closet at younger ages, thousands are being rejected by their families and forced out of their homes. Most homeless LGBT youth describe having suffered violence and harassment in their homes due to their sexual orientations and gender identities. As many as 40% of the homeless youth in the United States are LGBT. Homeless LGBT youth are subjected to violence and harassment on the streets and in mainstream youth shelters. They face tremendous risk of HIV infection, drug addiction, and criminalization.

This phenomenon of thousands of LGBT youth being forced from their homes due to homophobia, stripped of economic support, and made to endure homelessness represents the most terrible cruelty and intolerance currently directed at the LGBT community. “Any community has an obligation to protect its youth when they are being hurt and attacked,” says Carl Siciliano, Executive Director of Ali Forney Center, the nation’s largest organization dedicated to homeless LGBT youth. “We call on the LGBT Community to stand up for our youth suffering on the streets, and advocate that they receive the protection and care that all young people need and deserve.”

We call on the members of the LGBT Community, our straight allies, and on all decent people who believe that youths should not be thrown to the streets for being LGBT, to rally in support of the following goals:
  • To show solidarity with homeless LGBT youth, to demonstrate outrage that so many young members of our community face family rejection, violence, and homelessness, and to call on the adult members of the LGBT and allied community to demonstrate increased concern, support and advocacy for our youth.
  • To advocate that local, state, and federal government funding be made available to provide the housing and supportive services needed by homeless LGBT youth so they can escape the streets, and that efforts be funded to prevent LGBT youth from being subjected to violence and rejection in their homes.
  • To advocate that protecting our youth from abuse, rejection, and homelessness be recognized as a major priority in our local and national LGBT advocacy agendas.

The rally is endorsed by many significant local and national community organizations, including: Ali Forney Center, Anyone But Me, Broadway Impact, Broadway Speaks Out, Bronx Community Pride Center, The Brooklyn Community Pride Center, Callen-Lorde Community Health Center, Center for American Progress, The Center for Anti-violence Education, Chris Ryan NYC, CitizeNYC, Congregation Beth Simchat Torah, Covenant House New York, Cyndi Lauper's True Colors Fund/Give a Damn Campaign, Deconstructive Theatre Project, The Door, Empire State Coalition of Youth and Family Services, FIERCE, Gay & Lesbian Independent Democrats (GLID), Gay Men of African Descent, GLSEN, GMHC, GetEQUAL, Green Chimneys Children's Services, Hetrick Martin Institute, Human Rights Campaign, Lambda Independent Democrats of Brooklyn, Integrity NYC, The LGBT Community Center, Make The Road New York, Manhattan Young Democrats, National Youth Advocacy Coalition, New York AIDS Coalition (NYAC), New York City Anti-Violence Project, The NYC Association of Homeless and Street-Involved Youth Organizations, Out Astoria, Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays National, Queers for Economic Justice, Safe Space NYC, Stonewall Democratic Club of New York City, Take Back Pride,, True Colors Residence and West End Intergenerational Residence.

Additionally, the rally is endorsed by many prominent community leaders, including: US Senator Kirsten E. Gillibrand D-NY, Carl Siciliano, Sandra Bernhard, Lt. Dan Choi, Joe Jervis, Frankie Grande (Mr. Broadway 2007), Brendan Fay, Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, NYC Council Member Lewis Fidler, Ryan J. Davis, Ally Sheedy, Cathy Renna, Marti Thomas (Mr. Broadway 2008), Reverend Irene Monroe, Peter Staley, David Mixner, NYS Assemblymember Micah Kellner, U.S. Congressman Jerrold Nadler (NY-08), David Badash, Anthony Hallock (Mr. Broadway 2009), Kai Wright, Rod McCullom, Sassafras Lowrey (Editor of "Kicked Out), NYS Senator Tom Duane, NYC Council Member Daniel Dromm, Charlie Williams (current Mr. Broadway), and NYC Councilmember Jimmy Van Bramer.