Sunday, June 28, 2009

Gay Pride Parade 2009

OASIS Newark joined forces and co-marched with Integrity NYC in the NYC Gay Pride 2009.

This is the 2nd year that we've marched since iNYC was resurrected. The Diocesan LGBT Concerns committee helped organize the other Episcopal groups so that we all registered to march together in the parade. Not only did the Diocese of New York have a sizable contingency but so also did Holy Apostles, Saint Luke in the Fields, Saint Bartholomew's, Saint Michael's, Holy Trinity, and Christ Church Belleville NJ, as well as members from churches in Staten Island, Brooklyn, and New Jersey.

Ascension offered a water ministry to the parade marchers as they passed by their church on the route. Saint Luke in the Fields hosted its annual Gay Pride Evensong, which many of the iNYC and OASIS marchers attended. This was a great showing of love from the Episcopal Church in New York and New Jersey. Neil Houghton, the Northeastern Regional Vice-President was also in attendance, as well as Bishop V. Gene Robinson who joined the whole contingency after preaching at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian.

Thank you to everyone who made this possible, and to Chap Day for being the iNYC Group Marshal.

Here are some photos of iNYC: Integrity NYC and OASIS Newark marching in New York City's annual Gay Pride Parade.

More photos can be found on Neil Houghton's blog "Many Things to Say"

Gay Pride Eucharist

Here are some images from the Eucharist at Gay Pride 28 Jun 2009.
Click on the images to enlarge them.

David Casey, iNYC Convener offers the Prayers of the People
Chap Day, acolyte and Stephen McFadden from the Diocesan LGBT Concerns Committee

The Rev. John Denaro, Celebrant

There were about 3 dozen people in attendance at the Street Eucharist. Thank you to all who stepped up to assist with reading the lessons, and a special thanks to St. Luke in the Fields, for providing everything necessary for the Eucharist including bulletins, and especially to Paul Lane for organizing it.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Voices of Witness Africa Screening

Holy Apostles hosted a screening of Voices of Witness, a documentary that shared to voices of LGBT Christians in Africa. Integrity NYC was proud to be part of this event. You can read more about the Voices of Witness Africa project as well as watch the Trailer, by clicking HERE. To donate to this cause, you can use the Integrity USA website HERE, and select Voices of Witness in the Special Projects section. Chap Day attended on behalf of iNYC and Neil Houghton attended on behalf of Integrity USA.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Rally for Marriage Equality Event

The Rally for Marriage Equality in Astoria was amazing. The NYC Parks estimated the attendance at 2500 people! Several Episcopalians were guest speakers including Father Louis Braxton, Jr (Carmen's Place), Lauren Marcewicz & Caroline Peacock (St. Luke in the Fields), and Chap Day & Michael Mallon (St. Luke in the Fields, iNYC, and OUT Astoria). There were also many politicians and community organizers. iNYC is a constitutent member of Western Queens for Marriage Equality (WQfME), and was a co-sponsor of this Rally. The NYS Senate is scheduled to vote on Marriage Equality this session, but the Senator from Astoria (George Onorato) says he will not vote in favor of Marriage Equality, despite his district having a large number of LGBT citizens and overwhelming support for Marriage Equality.

Here are some pictures.

2500 people in support of marriage equality

Lauren Marcewicz and Caroline Peacock (St. Luke in the Fields), and their daughter are residents of Astoria asking for marriage equality of their senator, George Onorato.

That's a lot of people

Father Louis Braxton, Jr (Carmen's Place) has been an outspoken LGBT cleric from the Episcopal Church in the Astoria area. Carmen's Place is an LGBT youth homeless shelter in Astoria. Last year several of the youth were attacked on the street, and Father Braxton stepped in to help them and was hit with a garbage can by the perpatrators.

Michael Mallon and Chap Day, both members of the iNYC Steering Committee live in Astoria and are members of OUT Astoria, an LGBT social network.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Meet the Diocese of New York Deputation to General Convention

Monday, June 15th, 6:00 p.m.
Diocesan House, Donegan Hall
1047 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY

Wednesday, June 24th, 7:00 p.m.
Christ Church
20 Carrol St
Poughkeepsie, NY

The General Convention deputation will be holding meetings in preparation for the Convention in Anaheim CA in July. Part of the purpose of these meetings is to give members of the Diocese an opportunity to share their concerns and opinions on matters coming before the General Convention.

The meetings are open, and anyone can come without notice. If you would like to come, it would help us plan better if we know to expect you.

Please contact the Rev. Jerry Keucher, Deputation chair, if you have any questions.