Thursday, December 3, 2009
A Statement from the Diocesan Committee on LGBT Concerns and the Diocesan Social Concerns Comission
As people of faith, we are saddened and disappointed by the New York State Senate’s vote against marriage equality for same-sex couples. The failure to enact this legislation means that families headed by same-sex couples, including families with children, will continue to be denied the same economic security and legal protections that heterosexual married couples have. It is disheartening and is not in keeping with the resolutions of our own Episcopal Church that gay and lesbian persons “are entitled to equal protection of the laws with all other citizens” (GC Resolution A-71, 1976).
Nevertheless, we ask that the people of the Episcopal Diocese of New York diocese, both straight and gay, lay and clergy, continue to keep faith and put their energy into seeing that marriage equality happens in the future. You may want to contact your state senators about their votes. (A listing of the votes of all New York State Senators can be found below.) It is especially important to contact those senators who voted for the legislation. They are our allies, and many spoke eloquently and courageously on behalf of equal treatment for all New York families. They deserve our thanks and support.
In calling your senators and in continuing to advocate, be sure to let them know that the Episcopal Diocese of New York remains on the record as supporting marriage equality for same-sex couples, as per our resolution at the 2008 Diocesan Convention. Although the governor and the senate leaders were told of this, we should continually remind them as we go forward, so as to balance out the voices of other religious groups that fought against marriage equality.
We need to keep the faith and continue to honor our covenant to respect the dignity of every human being.
Stephen McFadden
Chair, Diocesan Committee on Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Concerns
Episcopal Diocese of New York
The Reverend Mark Hummel
Chair, Social Concerns Commission
Scroll Down: The vote of each state senator is below.
Eric Adams (D) — YES
Joseph Addabbo (D) — NO
James Alesi (R) — NO
Darrel Aubertine (D) — NO
John Bonacic (R) — NO
Neil Breslin (D) — YES
John DeFrancisco (R) — NO
Ruben Diaz (D) — NO
Martin Malave Dilan (D) — YES
Tom Duane (D) — YES
Pedro Espada (D) — YES
Hugh Farley (R) — NO
John Flanagan (R) — NO
Brian Foley (D) — YES
Charles Fuschillo, Jr. (R) — NO
Martin Golden (R) — NO
Joseph Griffo (R) — NO
Kemp Hannon (R) — NO
Ruth Hassell-Thompson (D) — YES
Shirley Huntley (D) — NO
Craig Johnson (D) — YES
Owen Johnson (R) — NO
Jeffrey Klein (D) — YES
Liz Krueger (D) — YES
Carl Kruger (D) — NO
Andrew Lanza (R) — NO
Bill Larkin (R) — NO
Kenneth LaValle (R) — NO
Vincent Leibell (R) — NO
Tom Libous (R) — NO
Elizabeth Little (R) — NO
Carl Marcellino (R) — NO
George Maziarz (R) — NO
Roy McDonald (R) — NO
Hiram Monserrate (D) — NO
Velmanette Montgomery (D) — YES
Thomas Morahan (R) — NO
Michael Nozzolio (R) — NO
George Onorato (D) — NO
Suzi Oppenheimer (D) — YES
Frank Padavan (R) — NO
Kevin Parker (D) — YES
Bill Perkins (D) — YES
Michael Ranzenhofer (R) — NO
Joseph Robach (R) — NO
Stephen Saland (R) — NO
John Sampson (D) — YES
Diane Savino (D) — YES
Eric Schneiderman (D) — YES
Jose Serrano (D) — YES
James Seward (R) — NO
Dean Skelos (R) — NO
Malcolm Smith (D) — YES
Daniel Squadron (D) — YES
William Stachowski (D) — NO
Toby Ann Stavisky (D) — YES
Andrea Stewart-Cousins (D) — YES
Antoine Thompson (D) — YES
David Valesky (D) — YES
Dale Volker (R) — NO
George Winner (R) — NO
Catherine Young (R) — NO
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Memorial Service and New Homeless Shelter
[New York City - Manhattan] Integrity joined with The Latino Commission on AIDS, Committee on Solidarity of Jorge Steven Lopez, The LGBT Community Center of New York, The Office of New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn, Dignity NY, PFLAG NY and the Episcopal Church of St. Luke in the Fields for a Vigil, Memorial Service, and Community Mobilization in Memory of Jorge Steven Lopez Mercado. Jorge Lopez was a gay/trans teen who was brutally murdered in Puerto Rico last week.
Memorial services were held across the continental US as well as Puerto Rico on Sunday. In New York City, The Episcopal Church of St. Luke in the Fields and Integrity were both invited by the wider community to take leadership roles in the organizing and running of the events.
Speaker Christine Quinn and Councilmember-Elect Daniel Dromm (both of the LGBT community) spoke against the hatred against our community, which is often harder on the LGBT community of color. They called for more education and community involvement. The Rally traveled by candelight to the doors of St. Luke in the Fields where participants were greeted by Integrity members and The Rev. Mary Foulke of St. Luke in the Fields. There was standing room only as the service began.
Daniel Leyva, the primary organizer of the event spoke about how important it is that the religious community that is supportive of the LGBT community to speak out about these injustices. Earlier this year, Senator Ruben Diaz, also a Pentecostal minister, led a rally where he brought several thousand Pentecostal ministers and leaders to New York to speak out against the LGBT community and especially in response to Marriage Equality. Mr. Leyva reiterated that not all the religious are like Senator Diaz's group, and he praised the Episcopal Church and Integrity.
[New York City - Astoria Queens] Episcopal Community Services of Long Island partnered with The Ali Forney Center to meet basic emergency needs, increase coping and decision making capacities, and assist in planning for the re-integration into community living, of homeless and runaway youth who identify as LGBT in the New York City area to open the St. Andrew's Center in Astoria, NY on Monday 23 Nov.
Bishop Larry Provenzano and his wife were in attendance at this opening as were Speaker Christine Quinn and Councilmember-Elect Daniel Dromm (both members of the LGBT community). The Rev. Charles McCarron and lay leader Michael Meaney (donations coordinator for the project) were instrumental in this partnership with the Ali Forney Center. "I believe that the Ali Forney Center at St. Andrew's is a wonderful example of how different groups can work together toward the same goal. The young people we serve are perhaps the most marginalized of the homeless, yet they are young enough to change their lives with some compassionate and non-judgmental help. As Gay New Yorkers we should all be proud of the work that the Ali Forney Center has been doing for years and I am pleased that the Episcopal Diocese of Long Island has joined in this important work. It would be fantastic if more people could help the Ali Forney Center to grow and accomplish even more on behalf of our GLBT youth. One of the quotes I put up on a wall in the center is something I think works for the youth and for the volunteers as well, 'The purpose of life is a life of purpose'." said Michael Meany, who organized donations and volunteers to get the project done.
"It really meant a lot to this community to see the Church, or Episcopal Church, stand with the most vulnerable of our community and dedicate time and talent, and almost 500k in funds. I am so proud of the Diocese of Long Island and grateful to Michael Meaney, Father McCarron and Bishop Provenzano for all their work," said Chap Day, Province II Coordinator for Integrity USA who was in attendance. "Bishop Provenzano and the Diocese of Long Island are a beacons of hope to the LGBT community here in Queens, and an example of community cooperation that I hope other dioceses will mimic."
There is an ongoing homeless youth crisis in New York City and nation-wide. In New York City, that number is believed to be between 12,000 and 15,000. Approximately 3,000 to 8,000 homeless youth in New York City are LGBTQ. This calculation is based on research that demonstrates that 20 to 40 percent of all homeless youth identify LGBTQ.
The Ali Forney Center is named for Ali Forney. Ali Forney was a homeless queer teen who was forced to live on the streets of New York during the 1990s. Ali was dedicated to the safety of other homeless queer youth; he was a committed HIV prevention worker, and aggressively advocated that the NYPD investigate a series of murders of the homeless queer youth he had befriended. Ali was an inspiration to those who knew him. In December of 1997, Ali was murdered on the streets. His tragic death called attention to the atrocious conditions for homeless LGBT youth in New York. Ali's murderer has never been identified.
The dedication ended with a community reading of a prayer Ali Forney wrote:
I believe that one day, the Lord will come back to get me. Hallelujah. If I live right, Hallelujah, I will go on to that righteous place. I believe that one day, Hallelujah, all my trails, all my tribulations, they will be over. I won't have to worry about crying and suffering no more. I won't have to worry about being disappointed, because my God, Hallelujah, is coming back for me. Whether I am a man with a dress and a wig, My God will love me for who I am! I might not walk like I'm supposed to walk. I might not have sex with who I'm supposed to have sex with. My God will love me for what I am! So don't worry about me, worry about yourself. Because as long as God believes in me, I'm not worried about what folks say, Hallelujah.
You Can Help With This Project: An Invitation From Michael Meaney:
At the coming season of Our Lord's birth there are special ways to help. There is no holiday line in the budget so we depend on generous donations. As we shop for ourselves and gifts, it would be fantastic to remember the sacrifice Our Lord made for us and try to make some sacrifices for others. Christmas is a particularly difficult time for our teens at the center, perhaps the most marginalized of all the homeless. In a season often associated with family it is easy to see why young people would have feelings stirred up. We are asking for gift cards in only ten and twenty dollar denominations to McDonald's, Target and CVS only. We want to limit ourselves to these three places so teen jealousy does not appear. These gift cards will give our teens some buying power that they do not usually experience. Please send out an email to your family and friends asking for help as well.
Gift cards can be sent to Michael Meaney c/o Zion Episcopal Church 243-01 Northern Boulevard, Douglaston, NY 11363. Contact me for other donation destinations. It would be best if donations could be received early, before December 15th, so we know what we have to work with. The Ali Forney Center at St. Andrew's will have 16 residents for the holidays and Ali Forney has some 65 residents in their living shelter system to treat this holiday season. coordinating this all can be a difficult task for the Ali Forney team, so we ask that gifts are limited to the pre mentioned items.
Friday, November 20, 2009
Vigil, Memorial Service & Community Mobilization in Memory of Jorge Steven López Mercado
Sunday 22 November
5pm Vigil at Pier 45 (Christopher Street Pier)
6:30pm Memorial Service at St. Luke in the Fields (Hudson St and Grove St)
5pm Vigil at Pier 45 (Christopher Street Pier)
6:30pm Memorial Service at St. Luke in the Fields (Hudson St and Grove St)
Integrity will be joining several other organizations in participation in this event. We hope you will try to join us in solidarity with the López Mercado family and others across the country.
Jorge Steven López Mercado, a gay/trans teenager was found beaten, decapitated, dismembered, and burned about a week ago in Puerto Rico because of his sexuality. The killer is claiming "gay panic" after he discovered that Mercado, who was in drag, was a male. The killer met Mercado while looking for women in an area known for prostitution. Activists are demanding that the alleged perpetrator be charged under the new U.S. federal hate crimes law which includes sexual orientation and gender identity.
Hundreds of people took part in a march through San Juan last night to demand an end to homophobia. The López Mercado family fully accepted the openly gay teenager--Mercado's ex-boyfriend continues to speak publicly on the family's behalf.
New York Congressmembers José Serrano and Nydia Velázquez have both condemned the gruesome murder. And New York City Council Speaker Christine Quinn's office has co-sponsored this vigil.
Thursday, October 22, 2009
[PR Integrity USA] - Disaffected Anglicans Choose Wrong Side of History
From Walking With Integrity
October 22, 2009
For Immediate Release
LOS ANGELES, CA--The recent announcement that the Vatican would set up a special canonical structure to accept disaffected Anglicans, choosing to leave over the inclusion of women and the LGBT faithful, is viewed by Integrity as another sad indicator of the church hierarchy’s misguided commitment to staying on the wrong side of history.
"There is some clarity in all of this, however," said Integrity Preisdent David Norgard. "Anglicans will now have a clear choice: a church that welcomes all or a church that excludes some.
"It is also ironic that this announcement comes just days after the Vatican unveiled plans for an exhibit honoring Galileo--who was condemned by the church 400 years ago," said Norgard. "Let us hope for the sake of the gospel we share, that our Roman Catholic brothers and sisters don’t have to wait 400 years for their church to get on the right side of history on the full inclusion of women and the LGBT baptized in their work and witness.
"Integrity will continue to work for the full inclusion of all the baptized in all the sacraments within the Episcopal Church and to offer the good news of congregations and dioceses whose welcome to all is growing the church.
"God is not finished with the Episcopal Church yet. But we are deeply grateful to be part of a church working toward full inclusion.”
Press contact:
Louise Brooks, Director of Communications
Monday, October 12, 2009
A Hate Crime and the National Equality March
[Province II] - WASHINGTON, DC/COLLEGE POINT, NY - Members of Integrity from several chapters in Province II attended the National Equality March in DC on Sunday 11 Oct. Representatives from Integrity Rochester and Integrity NYC met with delegates from Province III and Integrity DC to march together. There was a notable amount of Episcopalians throughout the crowd, and Integrity Vice-President of Local Affairs Neil Houghton, was one of the religious delegates noted at the Invocation given at the beginning of the program. An audible cheer went up from the Episcopalians when Neil was announced.
Chap Day, Province II Coordinator for Integrity USA attended with a group of activists from Queens NY, including Integrity NYC members from Queens, the Gay Peruvians, Queens Pride Committee, the ISO, and at-risk LGBTQ homeless youth who are in a program called Generation Q, as well as with Daniel Dromm, the openly gay District Leader of 39th Assembly District A, and a Democratic nominee for New York City Council, Distict 25.
"This event was one for local organizers to get motivated and empowered. The youth who attended from Queens NY saw community organizing at its best. They got to interact with positive forces on all levels from IntegriyNYC, to elected officials like Danny Dromm, and to celebrities like Cynthia Nixon and Lady Gaga. The message was one for those who will be taking the baton and need to be told that they can make a difference for the good," commented Micheal Mallon, a member of IntegrityNYC and Queens Pride Committee.
It was disheartening, that the delegation from IntegrityNYC returned home to learn that on Friday night a hate crime had occurred in College Point, Queens. A 49 year old gay man was beaten late Friday night/early Saturday morning, and is now in a medically induced coma. His family did not release the information until Monday. Organizers from Integrity NYC, Daniel Dromm's office, the ISO, Queens Pride, the Gay Peruvians, and Generation Q who met to organize for DC are now working together for a Vigil and local action.
"It is upsetting that this is the type of event we're now having to organize for; the high of empowerment on Sunday, and now the low of demoralizing hate and fear the next, and this is why our mission is so important," remarked Chap Day.
Attached Photo by Jon Nally (iNYC).
L-R: Paul Lane, David Casey, Michael Mallon, The Hon. Daniel Dromm, Brendan Spillane, Chap Day, Omar Olaya
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Transgender Rights Forums in Queens and Brooklyn
There are two forums in the NYC area that will be discussing the violent hate-crimes that have recently happened, especially towards transgender people in our community. ESPA Pride in the Pulpit has asked us to share this information.
Transgender Hate Crimes: Victims, Their Families and Advocates Speak Out!
Wednesday October 7th, 7:00 PM
Brooklyn Law School’s Forchelli Conference Center
205 State Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Queens Transgender Rights Forum:
Tuesday October 13th 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Queens Pride House
76-11 37th Avenue. Suite 206
Jackson Heights, New York
Transgender Hate Crimes: Victims, Their Families and Advocates Speak Out!
Wednesday October 7th, 7:00 PM
Brooklyn Law School’s Forchelli Conference Center
205 State Street
Brooklyn, NY 11201
Queens Transgender Rights Forum:
Tuesday October 13th 7:00 - 9:00 PM
Queens Pride House
76-11 37th Avenue. Suite 206
Jackson Heights, New York
Friday, September 25, 2009
[PR Integrity USA] - Integrity President to be Honored by Diocese of Los Angeles

Outgoing IntegrityUSA President Susan Russell will be honored on Sunday 27 Sept by being named Canon in the Diocese of Los Angeles. Susan has appeared on countless panels and national broadcasts, advocating eloquently and tirelessly for the full inclusion of gay men and lesbians in the Church. Bishop Sergio Carranza will preside at the service, which begins at 4 p.m. Canon Jim White will preach. The evensong and reception are open to all.
IntegrityNYC joins many in thanking Susan for her hard work in this Church and with inter-faith collaborations. We also join in congratulating Susan and the people of the Diocese of Los Angeles.
The following is a Press Release from Integrity USA as posted on "Walking With Integrity" on Friday, September 25, 2009 - Original Post.
IntegrityNYC joins many in thanking Susan for her hard work in this Church and with inter-faith collaborations. We also join in congratulating Susan and the people of the Diocese of Los Angeles.
The following is a Press Release from Integrity USA as posted on "Walking With Integrity" on Friday, September 25, 2009 - Original Post.
September 25, 2009
The Reverend Susan Russell, Integrity's soon-to-be past-president, will be made an honorary canon of the Diocese of Los Angeles in recognition of her advocacy for the full inclusion of LGBT people in the work and witness of the Episcopal Church at a festival Evensong on Sunday, September 27 at St. John's Cathedral.
“Susan is a major opinion maker in the Episcopal church and her steadfast ministry has made history in this denomination. We celebrate the recognition of her work, dedication, and grace with the Diocese of Los Angeles,” said the Reverend David Norgard, newly elected Integrity President. Norgard's three year term as president of the 33 year old Episcopal LGBT advocacy organization begins on October 1st when Russell steps down after six years in office.
"As a native of Los Angeles and a daughter of this diocese," said Russell, "it is a high honor to be recognized in this way by the church of my birth and baptism. But more than just a recognition of my ministry, I hope that Sunday's service will be be a beacon of hope to all LGBT people who wonder if that sign outside saying "The Episcopal Church Welcomes You" really means it. Because in the Diocese of Los Angeles, we do."
"I am deeply grateful to be part of a diocese that sees activism as an asset and does not shy away from being a prophetic voice on behalf of "the least of these" who Our Lord calls us to serve in His name. We have come very far indeed from the church I grew up in -- where girls couldn't be acolytes, much less priests or honorary canons! But there is still much work to do -- and I look forward to all that we will do together here in the Diocese of Los Angeles as we move forward together into God's future."
Russell currently serves as a Senior Associate at All Saints Church, Pasadena. Ordained in 1996, she served congregations in Altadena and San Pedro prior to joining the All Saints staff in 2002. In addition to her tenure as Integrity President, she also served as a member of the National Board of the Episcopal Church Women (2000-2003), is a member of the Human Rights Campaign's Religion Council and serves as a spokesperson for California Faith for Equality. In 2008 she was featured in the award-winning short documentary film "The Constant Process" -- produced and directed by Mormon filmmaker Douglas Hunter.
The Rt. Reverend Sergio Carranza will preside at the 4:00 p.m. service, which will include music by the St. John's Choir and a sermon by Canon Jim White. St. John's is located at 514 W. Adams Blvd, Los Angeles 90012.
For further information contact:
Louise Brooks, Communication Director
Integrity USA -- 626.993.4605
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
TransEpiscopal: Today, in Your Hearing
From TransEpiscopal:
As Congress gears up to begin hearings on the Employment Nondiscrimination Act (ENDA) tomorrow (September 23, 2009), I am grateful to recall how decisively The Episcopal Church declared its support for transgender civil rights in general, and a fully inclusive ENDA in particular, this summer at its 76th triennial General Convention.Continue Reading HERE.
Monday, September 21, 2009
iNYC Celebrates Strides at General Convention
IntegrityNYC hosted a Solemn Eucharist at St. Luke in the Fields Church in Manhattan's historic Greenwich Village. About 60 people from across New York City and New Jersey gathered in thanksgiving for the strides made this summer by the Episcopal Church's General Convention on LGBTQ issues.
The Rt. Rev. Catherine Roskam, Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of New York, presided; David Casey (Grace), Convener of IntegrityNYC, preached; The Rev Hugh Grant, Curate, and The Rev Caroline Stacey, Rector (St. Luke's) assisted; The Rev. Dn. Kent Curtis (All Saints), served as Deacon; The Altar Guild and Acolyte Guild of St. Luke's offered their time and talents in the service; Shauna Leeks (St. Barts) and Michael Cudney (Holy Apostles and iNYC Steering Committee) read the lessons. Ms. Leeks, Wayne Seifried (Ascension), Chap Day (St. Luke's, iNYC Steering Committee, and Province II Coordinator Elect), and Michael Mallon (St. Luke's and iNYC Steering Committee) served as Ushers; and John Bradley (St. Lukes and Polyhymia) and David Shuler (St. Luke's) provided music.
"America is not the same place it was 50 years ago...or even 10 years ago; and neither is the Episcopal Church" proclaimed David Casey. "When we get All the Sacraments for All the Baptized, we will still not be done! We will still have to deal with homophobia and hetero-sexism in the same way that Women in the Church are still facing Sexism and People of Color in the Church are still facing racism." pulling from the Gospel of Mark, David pointed to the marginalized youth, especially those outside of the Church who will still need our help, support and love.
A collection was taken in honor of "The Church". The Church is a ministry offered by St. Luke's to the LGBTQA Youth in Greenwich Village. Greenwich Village is a destination for thousands of LGBTQA young people who come from all over the city and beyond looking for a safe place to express themselves without fear of homophobic violence or moral condemnation. In 2001, St. Luke’s began opening their doors to these young people on Saturday nights by offering a hot meal, workshops in the visual and performing arts, and the services of social workers and caring adult volunteers. Today the program serves 20-30 young people each week and more than 600 youth ages 14-21 are currently enrolled. The Reverend Mary Foulke, who oversees the program, estimates that at least 1/3 of the attendees are homeless.
An intimate reception followed in St. Luke's Laughlin Hall. Pictures were taken by Jon Nally.
The Rt. Rev. Catherine Roskam, Suffragan Bishop of the Diocese of New York, presided; David Casey (Grace), Convener of IntegrityNYC, preached; The Rev Hugh Grant, Curate, and The Rev Caroline Stacey, Rector (St. Luke's) assisted; The Rev. Dn. Kent Curtis (All Saints), served as Deacon; The Altar Guild and Acolyte Guild of St. Luke's offered their time and talents in the service; Shauna Leeks (St. Barts) and Michael Cudney (Holy Apostles and iNYC Steering Committee) read the lessons. Ms. Leeks, Wayne Seifried (Ascension), Chap Day (St. Luke's, iNYC Steering Committee, and Province II Coordinator Elect), and Michael Mallon (St. Luke's and iNYC Steering Committee) served as Ushers; and John Bradley (St. Lukes and Polyhymia) and David Shuler (St. Luke's) provided music.
"America is not the same place it was 50 years ago...or even 10 years ago; and neither is the Episcopal Church" proclaimed David Casey. "When we get All the Sacraments for All the Baptized, we will still not be done! We will still have to deal with homophobia and hetero-sexism in the same way that Women in the Church are still facing Sexism and People of Color in the Church are still facing racism." pulling from the Gospel of Mark, David pointed to the marginalized youth, especially those outside of the Church who will still need our help, support and love.
A collection was taken in honor of "The Church". The Church is a ministry offered by St. Luke's to the LGBTQA Youth in Greenwich Village. Greenwich Village is a destination for thousands of LGBTQA young people who come from all over the city and beyond looking for a safe place to express themselves without fear of homophobic violence or moral condemnation. In 2001, St. Luke’s began opening their doors to these young people on Saturday nights by offering a hot meal, workshops in the visual and performing arts, and the services of social workers and caring adult volunteers. Today the program serves 20-30 young people each week and more than 600 youth ages 14-21 are currently enrolled. The Reverend Mary Foulke, who oversees the program, estimates that at least 1/3 of the attendees are homeless.
An intimate reception followed in St. Luke's Laughlin Hall. Pictures were taken by Jon Nally.
Monday, September 14, 2009
Celebratory Eucharist - 20 Sep, 4pm - St. Luke's

Sunday, 20th September 2009 (4:00pm)
Church of St. Luke in the Fields
487 Hudson St (at Grove)
This Summer General Convention passed some amazing resolutions.
IntegrityUSA was there the entire time advocating among the delegates to do the right thing, and they came through!
iNYC is hosting this Celebratory Eucharist in thanksgiving for these resolutions and in gratitude to the Diocesan delegates who helped make these strides possible!
This is our time to Celebrate the welcoming and affirming Episcopal Church in our own area! Come join us!!!
Celebrant: Bishop Roskam, Diocese of New York
Preacher: David Casey of iNYC
Acolytes: St. Luke in the Fields
Music: John Bradley and David Shuler
The Resolutions:
C056 – Authorizes “generous pastoral support” for blessing marriages, unions & partnerships and collection of liturgical resources for consideration at GC2012
C048 – Urges support of fully inclusive ENDA legislation pending in Washington
D012 -- Support for Transgender Civil Rights
D025 – Supports inclusive ordination processes for ALL orders of ministry
D032 -- Non-discrimination clause including gender identity and gender expression for lay employees
D076 -- Support for immigration equality for gay couples
D090 -- Church paper work to be made more accessible to flexibility in gender identity and pronoun preference
C023 – Urging support for repeal of DOMA (“Defense of Marriage Act”) passed in Deputies and was referred by Bishops to Executive Council – where we expect affirmative action will be taken to take the voice of the Episcopal Church to Washington on this important issue.
Please RSVP Below:
Church of St. Luke in the Fields
487 Hudson St (at Grove)
This Summer General Convention passed some amazing resolutions.
IntegrityUSA was there the entire time advocating among the delegates to do the right thing, and they came through!
iNYC is hosting this Celebratory Eucharist in thanksgiving for these resolutions and in gratitude to the Diocesan delegates who helped make these strides possible!
This is our time to Celebrate the welcoming and affirming Episcopal Church in our own area! Come join us!!!
Celebrant: Bishop Roskam, Diocese of New York
Preacher: David Casey of iNYC
Acolytes: St. Luke in the Fields
Music: John Bradley and David Shuler
The Resolutions:
C056 – Authorizes “generous pastoral support” for blessing marriages, unions & partnerships and collection of liturgical resources for consideration at GC2012
C048 – Urges support of fully inclusive ENDA legislation pending in Washington
D012 -- Support for Transgender Civil Rights
D025 – Supports inclusive ordination processes for ALL orders of ministry
D032 -- Non-discrimination clause including gender identity and gender expression for lay employees
D076 -- Support for immigration equality for gay couples
D090 -- Church paper work to be made more accessible to flexibility in gender identity and pronoun preference
C023 – Urging support for repeal of DOMA (“Defense of Marriage Act”) passed in Deputies and was referred by Bishops to Executive Council – where we expect affirmative action will be taken to take the voice of the Episcopal Church to Washington on this important issue.
Please RSVP Below:
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
In the News - Congregation Embraces Transgender Minister as His Secret is Revealed

The Portland Tribune, Regal Courier
By: Christine McFadden
Date: 30 Aug 2009
By: Christine McFadden
Date: 30 Aug 2009
PORTLAND - The Rev. David Weekley grows uncomfortable in his chair.
As soon as he raises the topic of gay rights to his conservative clergyman friend one day at lunch, he knows it’s a mistake.
He knows that the United Methodist Church long ago retained the right to turn away openly gay clergy members.
So Weekley listens to his friend espouse the opinion of the church, and buries his secret deeper. No one can ever find out that Weekley, a married father of five in Southeast Portland and a Methodist clergyman of 27 years, was born female.
Until now, there has been just one openly transgender Methodist clergyman in the U.S. to retain his ordination (That man, Drew Phoenix, 50, had his ordination challenged by members of the church after coming out publicly in 2007 to his congregation in St. John’s of Baltimore United Methodist Church in Maryland.)
Today, Sunday, Aug. 30, Weekley – who leads the congregation at the Epworth United Methodist Church in the Sunnyside neighborhood in inner Southeast Portland – became the second.
Read the full article at theRegal Courier
August 2009 Mixer - A Success
iNYC: IntegrityNYC had a good turn out last night at the August Mixer at Nowhere Bar. Thanks to all that were able to make it! There was a good dozen of us who hung out almost to 9pm. If you missed it, don't worry we will have more events like this in the future.
And speaking of that: We do have a Celebratory Eucharist planned for 20 Sep at 4pm at St. Luke in the Fields. We have an Episcopal presence (details to come shortly), and all we'll lack is YOU.
If you are interested in helping with the Eucharist, we will be looking for Readers, Ushers and some volunteers for the Choir. Email Chap Day to volunteer, or for details.
Please save the date, and expect to see a Socializr, Facebook invitation soon.
And speaking of that: We do have a Celebratory Eucharist planned for 20 Sep at 4pm at St. Luke in the Fields. We have an Episcopal presence (details to come shortly), and all we'll lack is YOU.
If you are interested in helping with the Eucharist, we will be looking for Readers, Ushers and some volunteers for the Choir. Email Chap Day to volunteer, or for details.
Please save the date, and expect to see a Socializr, Facebook invitation soon.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
In the News - Lutheran Assembly Approves Ministries of Gays and Lesbians in Committed Relationships

Episcopal Life Online
By: Episcopal News Service Staff
Date: 21 Aug 2009
Read the full article at Episcopal Life Online.
iNYC welcomes all Lutherans Concerned and all ELCA folks to join us at our Celebratory Eucharist on 20 Sept at St. Luke in the Fields.
By: Episcopal News Service Staff
Date: 21 Aug 2009
[Episcopal News Service] The 2009 Churchwide Assembly of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) on August 21 approved opening the ministry of the church to pastors and other professional workers living in committed same-gender relationships.
The resolution passed by a vote of 559 to 451 and overturns previous church policy that prohibited participation of gays and lesbians in church ministries unless they were celibate.
Read the full article at Episcopal Life Online.
Friday, August 21, 2009
[PR Integrity USA] - Integrity Responds to ELCA Assembly Actions
The following is a Press Release from the desk of Susan Russell as posted on her Facebook Page.
August 21, 2009 -- 05:30PM/PDT
Integrity rejoices at the news from Minneapolis that the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) today adopted all four of the resolutions before their Assembly regarding the fuller inclusion of the LGBT baptized in the work and witness of the Lutheran Church.
“Today’s action in Minneapolis is not just good news for gay and lesbian Lutherans, it is good news to all who strive for peace and justice and are committed to respecting the dignity of every human being,” said the Reverend Susan Russell, president of Integrity USA.
“For decades the faithful have prayed for justice to roll down like waters for the LGBT baptized in the Lutheran and Episcopal Churches. The Summer of 2009 has become that watershed moment we have prayed for.”
“We are delighted that our Lutheran brothers and sisters in Christ are joining The Episcopal Church in moving forward in mission with a commitment to include all God’s beloved equally. We look forward to opportunities to continue in our call to common mission with our Lutheran colleagues as we join together in proclaiming the Good News of God in Christ Jesus available to all.”
“We believe that when taken together with the actions of our Episcopal Church last month in Anaheim, we are seeing a spiritual groundswell sending the message that there are communities of faith that actually practice the compassion they preach. Our deepest hope is that these actions will encourage those who had given up on the church to give it another chance. Our doors are certainly open to welcome them – and we look forward to the mission and ministry ahead of us as the Body of Christ in the world.”
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Celebratory Eucharist - 20 Sep, 4pm - St. Luke's
Sunday, 20th September 2009 (4:00pm)
Church of St. Luke in the Fields
487 Hudson St (at Grove)
Save the Date for a Celebratory Eucharist in thanksgiving for the passing of inclusive resolutions at General Convention, and in gratitude to our Diocesan Delegates.
If you are interested in contributing to this service (reader, usher, choir, planning, volunteering) or if you have questions, please Email Chap James Day .
Welcome Back Mixer - 31 Aug, 6pm - Nowhere Bar

Monday, August 31, 2009 (6:00pm - 8:00pm)
Nowhere Bar
322 E 14th St (near 2nd)
Welcome back from Summer! Whether you traveled or had a stay-cation, we welcome you back to another year with IntegrityNYC.
To herald everyone back to the city, iNYC will be hosting a mixer at Nowhere Bar on Monday, 31 August at 6pm. Bring Friends!
RSVP on Socializr or Facebook
Monday, August 3, 2009
After Anaheim Integrity Leadership Conference - Sep 9-12 in St. Louis, MO

2009 is special year for Integrity in many ways. We're living into our new organizational structure and we're facing potentially pivotal outcomes from General Convention. Therefore, we're convening our national and local leadership and others for a time of training, renewal, and planning for the future. The core of the conference will be the "Building an Inclusive Church" workshop facilitated by the Institute for Welcoming Resources staff, dedicated time for our leaders to begin planning for the next triennium, and informal time for networking and fellowship among all participants.
Who Should Attend?
* National board members
* Provincial coordinators
* Chapter conveners
* Diocesan network coordinators
* Congregational circle moderators
* Proud Parish Partner rectors or representative
* Lifetime members
* Past presidents
* Future local leaders
* Anyone who want to build a more inclusive church at the parish, diocesan, provincial, or national levels
That means all of YOU!
Registration is only $100!
PLEASE REGISTER ONLINE BEFORE Friday, August 7 in order to guarantee a hotel room at our negotiated rate of $126 (single occupancy) and $63 (double occupancy) at the Omni Majestic Hotel. That price is a negotiated price, and includes taxes and fees.
For more information, please follow this link from IntegrityUSA: After Anaheim
Integrity USA,
Sunday, August 2, 2009
[PR Integrity USA] - Diocese of Los Angeles Takes Another Step Forward for Inclusive Anglicanism
The following is a Press Release from Integrity USA as posted on "Walking With Integrity" on Sunday, August 2, 2009 - Original Post
Integrity rejoices at the Diocese of Los Angeles' diverse slate of qualified candidates for the December 2009 election of two new bishops suffragan.
"Coming so soon after the slate announced by the Diocese of Minnesota," said Integrity President Susan Russell, "today's announcement by the Diocese of Los Angeles is another sign that the 'season of fasting' at the expense of the vocations of gays and lesbians in the Episcopal Church is at an end."
"Just a few days ago we celebrated the 35th anniversary of the ordination of the first women to the priesthood in The Episcopal Church," said Russell. "Thirty five years ago it was hard to imagine that we would come to a place where the inclusion of gifted women on a slate of candidates for bishop would become the expected rather than the exception. And we believe that we are journeying to a place where the same will be true for gay and lesbian candidates."
"It is now up to the Diocese of Los Angeles to discern--together with the Holy Spirit--which of these excellent candidates will make the best bishops to lead them forward in mission and ministry. Integrity's hope is that in both Los Angeles and in Minnesota the work of discernment can proceed without outside interference and with the focus where it should be: on finding the bishop best suited to pastor the people and to proclaim the Good News of God in Christ Jesus to the church and to the world."
(The Reverend) Susan Russell, President
714-356-5718 (mobile)
Dio Los Angeles,
Integrity USA,
Press Releases,
Susan Russell +
Saturday, August 1, 2009
[PR Integrity USA] - Integrity Applauds Slate of Candidates for Bishop of Minnesota
The following is a Press Release from Integrity USA as posted on "Walking With Integrity" on Saturday, August 1, 2009 - Original Post
Integrity applauds the Diocese of Minnesota for the stellar slate of qualified candidates released today to replace retiring Bishop James Jelinek. "The Diocese of Minnesota is leading the way for the rest of The Episcopal Church," said Integrity President Susan Russell, "as they move us forward into a future where the resolutions we passed at our recent General Convention become a reality."
That reality--which was stated in Resolution D025--is "that God's call to the ordained ministry in The Episcopal Church is a mystery which the Church attempts to discern for all people through our discernment processes acting in accordance with the Constitution and Canons of The Episcopal Church."
Integrity is delighted that The Episcopal Church has opened the way for dioceses like Minnesota to field the best possible slate of candidates for the episcopate. "We hope that other dioceses will recognize that "discern for all people" really means ALL" said Russell, "and that the actions of our General Convention will put a sad chapter of discrimination against the LGBT baptized behind us."
It is now up to the Diocese of Minnesota to do the discernment work they have been called to do. We extend congratulations to all the candidates--any one of whom will make a fine bishop for The Episcopal Church--and will pray for the Diocese of Minnesota as they discern together who God is calling to be their bishop.
(The Reverend) Susan Russell, President
714-356-5718 (mobile)
Dio Minnesota,
Integrity USA,
Press Releases,
Susan Russell +
"We Will Not Be Silent" Community Rally in Jackson Heights
iNYC was a co-sponsor of the We Will Not Be Silent Community Rally in Jackson Heights. Our very own Michael Mallon attended the event. There were many other community organizations and organizers. There were about 200 people including politicians showing support and showing solidarity denouncing the acts of violence faced by the trans community in New York City.
Want to read more about the Transgendered Episcopal movement? Why not check out TransEpiscopal!
Want to read more about the Transgendered Episcopal movement? Why not check out TransEpiscopal!
Here are a few pictures from the Rally. If you click on the images, they will enlarge.

Louis Braxton +,
Michael Mallon,
Transgender Issues,
Monday, July 27, 2009
[PR Integrity USA] - Integrity Responds to Archbishop of Canterbury's post-GC2009 Statement
The following is a Press Release from Integrity USA as posted on "Walking With Integrity" on Monday, July 27, 2009 - Original Post
The Archbishop of Canterbury issued a statement this morning entitled "Communion, Covenant and our Anglican Future" and subtitled: Reflections on the Episcopal Church's 2009 General Convention from the Archbishop of Canterbury for the Bishops, Clergy and Faithful of the Anglican Communion. In it, +Rowan Williams does what he believes he is called to do as an "Instrument of Unity" for the whole communion: He tries to keep as many as possible at the table doing the work of the gospel. Integrity does not envy him that task.
Integrity regrets the Archbishop's categorization of TEC's commitment to full inclusion of the LGBT baptized as a "rights" issue rather than a "theological" issue -- believing that it falls sadly short of recognizing all the theological reflection that has both moved and motivated this church over the years.
"We are frankly tired of being told we 'haven't done the theology,'" said Integrity President Susan Russell, "when the truth is that there are those in our wider Anglican family who do not agree with the theology we have done. But what we can do is keep doing it. We can keep reaching out. We can keep working together with our communion partners on mission and ministry all over this Worldwide Anglican Family of ours with those who will work with us. And we can stay in conversation with those who won't.
Because we recognize that those who have been waiting for the casting-out-of-TEC-into-outer-darkness are not getting what they want. And as we continue to move forward in mission and ministry with those who embrace historic Anglican comprehensiveness, we believe those "outer darkness" threats are going to ring more and more hollow until they fade away altogether.
And meanwhile, we can live into the liberated-for-mission message our General Convention sent home from Anaheim and bless those who come to us asking for the church's blessing on their already-blessed-by-God relationships and raising up into ALL orders of ministry those who God calls into vocations of deacon, priest and bishop.
Because, as the closing word's of +Rowan Williams' statement assure us:
If the present structures that have safeguarded our unity turn out to need serious rethinking in the near future, this is not the end of the Anglican way and it may bring its own opportunities. Of course it is problematic; and no-one would say that new kinds of structural differentiation are desirable in their own right.
But the different needs and priorities identified by different parts of our family, and in the long run the different emphases in what we want to say theologically about the Church itself, are bound to have consequences. We must hope that, in spite of the difficulties, this may yet be the beginning of a new era of mission and spiritual growth for all who value the Anglican name and heritage.
As American Anglicans, we've "rethought structures" before (see also: "1789" and the birth American Episcopal Church) and lived to tell about it! And -- at the end of the day -- that may in fact be the good news and great hope we have to offer our worldwide Anglican Communion family as we move forward together into God's future."
Louise Brooks, Director of Communications,, (626) 993-4605
Friday, July 24, 2009
Greetings in Christ
Several inclusive parishes have been reached out to regarding becoming a P3: Proud Partner Parish. I encourage you to review this website and look at what the local chapter of Integrity has done and is doing. Please feel free to contact IntegrityNYC at the email to the right with any questions you may have.
I hope you will prayerfully consider officially joining our cause.
I hope you will prayerfully consider officially joining our cause.
Thursday, July 23, 2009
"We Will Not Be Silent" Community Rally
Sunday, July 26, 2009 (2:00pm - 4:00pm)
Jackson Heights Post Office
37th Avenue and 78th Street
Jackson Heights, NY
Two transwomen were brutally attacked on the streets of Queens.
Leslie Mora was attacked on June 19th in Jackson Heights and beaten with belt buckles- suffering wounds in her scalp and legs.
Carmella Etienne is attacked on July 8th in St Albans with rocks and bottles & suffers a major gash in her leg. Attackers threatened to slash her throat.
We speak out against discrimination & violent attacks towards our transgender sisters and brothers.
We unite in building communities of tolerance & inclusion.
We work for the passage of GENDA in NY State.
We extend solidarity, care & compassion for victims of transphobic hate crimes.
For information or to co- sponsor:
Melissa Sklarz : (347) 886-7961
Brendan Fay: (718) 721-2780
Getting to the Rally
By Subway :Take the 7,E,F, G & R to 74th St
By Bus: The Q32 bus runs between Penn Station in Manhattan and Roosevelt Avenue. Buses Q19, Q19B, Q33, Q47, and Q66 also serve Jackson Heights
Co-Sponsored By:
New York Trans Rights Organization (NYTRO)
Anti-Violence Project (AVP)
Campaign to Stop the False Arrests
Civil Marriage Trail Project
Civil Rights Front
Dignity NY
Integrity NYC (iNYC)
International Socialist Organization (ISO)
Lesbian & Gay Democratic Club of Queens (LGDCQ)
Make the Road NY
Metropolitan Community Church NY (MCCNY)
Out Astoria
Proud Righteous Youth Demanding Equality (PRYDE)
Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee (QLGPC)
Queens Pride House
Queens County Young Democrats
St Pats For All
Stonewall Democratic Club of NYC (SDNYC)
Sunday, July 26, 2009 (2:00pm - 4:00pm)
Jackson Heights Post Office
37th Avenue and 78th Street
Jackson Heights, NY
Two transwomen were brutally attacked on the streets of Queens.
Leslie Mora was attacked on June 19th in Jackson Heights and beaten with belt buckles- suffering wounds in her scalp and legs.
Carmella Etienne is attacked on July 8th in St Albans with rocks and bottles & suffers a major gash in her leg. Attackers threatened to slash her throat.
We speak out against discrimination & violent attacks towards our transgender sisters and brothers.
We unite in building communities of tolerance & inclusion.
We work for the passage of GENDA in NY State.
We extend solidarity, care & compassion for victims of transphobic hate crimes.
For information or to co- sponsor:
Melissa Sklarz : (347) 886-7961
Brendan Fay: (718) 721-2780
Getting to the Rally
By Subway :Take the 7,E,F, G & R to 74th St
By Bus: The Q32 bus runs between Penn Station in Manhattan and Roosevelt Avenue. Buses Q19, Q19B, Q33, Q47, and Q66 also serve Jackson Heights
Co-Sponsored By:
New York Trans Rights Organization (NYTRO)
Anti-Violence Project (AVP)
Campaign to Stop the False Arrests
Civil Marriage Trail Project
Civil Rights Front
Dignity NY
Integrity NYC (iNYC)
International Socialist Organization (ISO)
Lesbian & Gay Democratic Club of Queens (LGDCQ)
Make the Road NY
Metropolitan Community Church NY (MCCNY)
Out Astoria
Proud Righteous Youth Demanding Equality (PRYDE)
Queens Lesbian and Gay Pride Committee (QLGPC)
Queens Pride House
Queens County Young Democrats
St Pats For All
Stonewall Democratic Club of NYC (SDNYC)
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Integrity Celebrates Virtual Clean Sweep on GC2009 Legislative Agenda By Susan Russell, President of Integrity USA
The following is a message from Susan Russell, President of IntegrityUSA as posted on "Walking With Integrity" on Saturday, July 18, 2009 - Original Post
Integrity Celebrates Virtual Clean Sweep on GC2009 Legislative Agenda
By Susan Russell, President of IntegrityUSA
I’m going to write more about “General Convention in General,” but here’s a legislative wrap up (coming later in the day than I’d meant it to but I’ve decided to give up waiting for the official GC2009 resolution web pages to come back up online – will just add the links to the citations later.)
Heading to Anaheim, Integrity had two primary “agenda items:”
* Move the Episcopal Church beyond B033 and reopen ordination processes to all the baptized;
* Move the Episcopal Church forward on the blessing of same sex marriages and unions.
We saw those goals realized in the adoption of the following resolutions:
* D025 – Supports inclusive ordination processes for ALL orders of ministry
* C056 – Authorizes “generous pastoral support” for blessing marriages, unions & partnerships and collection of liturgical resources for consideration at GC2012
As noteworthy as the content of the resolutions is the context. These resolutions passed not by narrow margins after rancorous debate. They passed by overwhelming consensus after respectful dialogue that left no doubt that those who gathered in Anaheim are committed to an inclusive Anglicanism that keeps at the table all who desire so to do.
D025 -- Ordination
It can – and has – been said that D025 does not “repeal” B033 – and that is, of course, true. There will still be bishops with jurisdiction and standing committees who will choose to “exercise restraint” when consenting the election of a bishop whose “manner of life” would cause concern to the wider Anglican Communion. (And we all know that is code for “partnered gay or lesbian bishop.”) Nevertheless, the inclusive and expansive language of D025 states “this is where we are in 2009” – and frees bishops and standing committees to focus on the theological orientation rather than the sexual orientation of qualified candidates to the episcopate.
Furthermore, by stating unequivocally that “God has called and may call any individual in the church to any ordained ministry in the Episcopal Church, in accordance with the discernment process set forth in the Constitution and Canons of the church” – D025 actually states for the first time as an official resolution of the Episcopal Church that the extra-canonical requirement of celibacy of gay and lesbian candidates for ordination is not the mind of this church.
From the letter by the Presiding Bishop and President of the House of Deputies to the Archbishop of Canterbury:
Nothing in the Resolution goes beyond what has already been provided under our Constitution and Canons for many years. In reading the resolution, you will note its key
points, that:
* Our Church is deeply and genuinely committed to our relationships in the Anglican Communion;
* We recognize the contributions gay and lesbian Christians, members of our Church both lay and ordained, have made and continue to make to our common life and ministry;
* Our Church can and does bear witness to the fact that many of our gay and lesbian brothers and sisters live in faithful, monogamous, lifelong and life-giving committed relationships;
* While ordination is not a “right” guaranteed to any individual, access to our Church’s discernment and ordination process is open to all baptized members according to our Constitution and Canons; and
* Members of The Episcopal Church do, in fact, disagree faithfully and conscientiously about issues of human sexuality.
C056 -- Blessings
What the Episcopal Church adopted in Resolution C056 is a broad local option for the blessings of the marriages, unions and partnerships of same sex couples and a call to the church to work together toward common liturgical expressions of those blessings.
The Rev. Sam Candler (Atlanta), chair of the committee that presented the resolution, called it "an elegant blend of theological care, ecclesiastical breadth and pastoral generosity."
The Rev. Dan Martins (Northern Indiana) had this to say about C056: “If there was ambiguity surrounding D025--and I have contended that there is -- there is none here. This convention has abrogated every positive gesture it has made toward the Anglican Communion since 2003. Everything we did three years ago in response to the Windsor Report is down the drain.”
In other historic action, the General Convention adopted resolutions supporting the enactment of anti-discrimination and hate crimes legislation protecting transgender people at local, state and federal levels. Both houses also adopted resolutions adding "gender identity and expression" to its nondiscrimination policy for hiring lay employees and calling for the revision of church paper and electronic forms to allow a wider range of gender identifications. In review:
C056 – Authorizes “generous pastoral support” for blessing marriages, unions & partnerships and collection of liturgical resources for consideration at GC2012
C048 – Urges support of fully inclusive ENDA legislation pending in Washington
D012 -- Support for Transgender Civil Rights
D025 – Supports inclusive ordination processes for ALL orders of ministry
D032 -- Non-discrimination clause including gender identity and gender expression for lay employees
D076 -- Support for immigration equality for gay couples
D090 -- Church paper work to be made more accessible to flexibility in gender identity and pronoun preference
C023 – Urging support for repeal of DOMA (“Defense of Marriage Act”) passed in Deputies and was referred by Bishops to Executive Council – where we expect affirmative action will be taken to take the voice of the Episcopal Church to Washington on this important issue.
Finally, Integrity applauds the amazing work of ALL our allies in advancing resolutions on a broad range of critical gospel issues. Unlike our last two General Conventions, where the resolutions regarding human sexuality so consumed our legislative process that there was precious little left for anything else, this 76th General Convention worked long, hard and diligently to “do justice, love mercy and walk humbly with God” – acting on everything from lay equity in pension plans to ending torture; on labor issues and human rights violations; on universal health care and climate change; on human trafficking and ending the blockade in Cuba.
One of the most moving moments for me came on the last day of legislation when Frank Wade reminded us that our actions in the House of Deputies were -- in their own way --offerings being laid at the altar of our God who calls us to this work of justice, compassion and love. The reminder that “liturgical” and “political” are words that share a root – and that both the work of the people – was a holy container for this holy work we have been about for the last ten days in Anaheim.
There are miles to go before we rest – before the kingdom come on earth IS as it is in heaven. But BIG steps forward were taken by The Episcopal Church at this General Convention. And for that, we rejoice and are glad!
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Gay Pride Parade 2009
This is the 2nd year that we've marched since iNYC was resurrected. The Diocesan LGBT Concerns committee helped organize the other Episcopal groups so that we all registered to march together in the parade. Not only did the Diocese of New York have a sizable contingency but so also did Holy Apostles, Saint Luke in the Fields, Saint Bartholomew's, Saint Michael's, Holy Trinity, and Christ Church Belleville NJ, as well as members from churches in Staten Island, Brooklyn, and New Jersey.
Ascension offered a water ministry to the parade marchers as they passed by their church on the route. Saint Luke in the Fields hosted its annual Gay Pride Evensong, which many of the iNYC and OASIS marchers attended. This was a great showing of love from the Episcopal Church in New York and New Jersey. Neil Houghton, the Northeastern Regional Vice-President was also in attendance, as well as Bishop V. Gene Robinson who joined the whole contingency after preaching at Fifth Avenue Presbyterian.
Thank you to everyone who made this possible, and to Chap Day for being the iNYC Group Marshal.
Here are some photos of iNYC: Integrity NYC and OASIS Newark marching in New York City's annual Gay Pride Parade.
Gay Pride Eucharist
Here are some images from the Eucharist at Gay Pride 28 Jun 2009.
Click on the images to enlarge them.

Chap Day, acolyte and Stephen McFadden from the Diocesan LGBT Concerns Committee
There were about 3 dozen people in attendance at the Street Eucharist. Thank you to all who stepped up to assist with reading the lessons, and a special thanks to St. Luke in the Fields, for providing everything necessary for the Eucharist including bulletins, and especially to Paul Lane for organizing it.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Voices of Witness Africa Screening

Chap Day,
Holy Apostles,
Neil Houghton,
Voices of Witness
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
Rally for Marriage Equality Event
The Rally for Marriage Equality in Astoria was amazing. The NYC Parks estimated the attendance at 2500 people! Several Episcopalians were guest speakers including Father Louis Braxton, Jr (Carmen's Place), Lauren Marcewicz & Caroline Peacock (St. Luke in the Fields), and Chap Day & Michael Mallon (St. Luke in the Fields, iNYC, and OUT Astoria). There were also many politicians and community organizers. iNYC is a constitutent member of Western Queens for Marriage Equality (WQfME), and was a co-sponsor of this Rally. The NYS Senate is scheduled to vote on Marriage Equality this session, but the Senator from Astoria (George Onorato) says he will not vote in favor of Marriage Equality, despite his district having a large number of LGBT citizens and overwhelming support for Marriage Equality.
Here are some pictures.

Chap Day,
Louis Braxton +,
Michael Mallon,
St Luke in the Fields,
Monday, June 1, 2009
Meet the Diocese of New York Deputation to General Convention
Monday, June 15th, 6:00 p.m.
Diocesan House, Donegan Hall
1047 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY
Wednesday, June 24th, 7:00 p.m.
Christ Church
20 Carrol St
Poughkeepsie, NY
The General Convention deputation will be holding meetings in preparation for the Convention in Anaheim CA in July. Part of the purpose of these meetings is to give members of the Diocese an opportunity to share their concerns and opinions on matters coming before the General Convention.
The meetings are open, and anyone can come without notice. If you would like to come, it would help us plan better if we know to expect you.
Please contact the Rev. Jerry Keucher, Deputation chair, if you have any questions.
Monday, June 15th, 6:00 p.m.
Diocesan House, Donegan Hall
1047 Amsterdam Ave, New York, NY
Wednesday, June 24th, 7:00 p.m.
Christ Church
20 Carrol St
Poughkeepsie, NY
The General Convention deputation will be holding meetings in preparation for the Convention in Anaheim CA in July. Part of the purpose of these meetings is to give members of the Diocese an opportunity to share their concerns and opinions on matters coming before the General Convention.
The meetings are open, and anyone can come without notice. If you would like to come, it would help us plan better if we know to expect you.
Please contact the Rev. Jerry Keucher, Deputation chair, if you have any questions.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Rally for Marriage Equality

Sunday, May 31, 2009 (6:00pm - 8:00pm)
Athens Park in Astoria (take the N/W train to 30th Avenue)
30th Avenue & 30th Street
Astoria, NY
Come show your support for equality, meet up with fellow Queens citizens, enjoy music from Broadway stars, and hear from government officials and members of our community who support marriage equality. Performers at the rally have appeared in: Rent, Mamma Mia, Jersey Boys, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Flower Drum Song, The King and I, Spelling Bee, Good Vibrations, and Mary Poppins, and on the television shows Guiding Light and Hi-5.
State Senator George Onorato (D), who represents much of Western Queens, currently publically opposes marriage equality but this rally in support of equality has a chance to help change his mind. Queens Senators Huntley (D), Addabbo (D) Padavan (R) also currently oppose marriage equality. We need to change their minds.
This rally is sponsored by Western Queens for Marriage Equality. Western Queens for Marriage Equality is a coalition of groups including: Democracy for New York City, Long Island City Alliance, New York State Young Democrats, Queens County Young Democrats, the Jewish Alliance for Change, IntegrityNYC, Marriage Equality New York, Broadway Impact, Civil Rights Front, the New York Civil Liberties Union, Civil Marriage Trail Project, West Queens Greens, OUT Astoria, Astorians United Against Hate Crimes, Astorians United for Peace and Justice, and
Western Queens for Marriage Equality is a coalition group that believes marriage is a human right that should be available to all New Yorkers, regardless of sexual orientation. In the words of Mildred Loving, the woman whose courage made interracial marriage legal throughout America, marriage is about "the love, the commitment, the fairness, and the family that so many people, black or white, young or old, gay or straight seek in life. [We] support the freedom to marry for all."
Sunday, May 31, 2009 (6:00pm - 8:00pm)
Athens Park in Astoria (take the N/W train to 30th Avenue)
30th Avenue & 30th Street
Astoria, NY
Come show your support for equality, meet up with fellow Queens citizens, enjoy music from Broadway stars, and hear from government officials and members of our community who support marriage equality. Performers at the rally have appeared in: Rent, Mamma Mia, Jersey Boys, The 25th Annual Putnam County Spelling Bee, Flower Drum Song, The King and I, Spelling Bee, Good Vibrations, and Mary Poppins, and on the television shows Guiding Light and Hi-5.
State Senator George Onorato (D), who represents much of Western Queens, currently publically opposes marriage equality but this rally in support of equality has a chance to help change his mind. Queens Senators Huntley (D), Addabbo (D) Padavan (R) also currently oppose marriage equality. We need to change their minds.
This rally is sponsored by Western Queens for Marriage Equality. Western Queens for Marriage Equality is a coalition of groups including: Democracy for New York City, Long Island City Alliance, New York State Young Democrats, Queens County Young Democrats, the Jewish Alliance for Change, IntegrityNYC, Marriage Equality New York, Broadway Impact, Civil Rights Front, the New York Civil Liberties Union, Civil Marriage Trail Project, West Queens Greens, OUT Astoria, Astorians United Against Hate Crimes, Astorians United for Peace and Justice, and
Western Queens for Marriage Equality is a coalition group that believes marriage is a human right that should be available to all New Yorkers, regardless of sexual orientation. In the words of Mildred Loving, the woman whose courage made interracial marriage legal throughout America, marriage is about "the love, the commitment, the fairness, and the family that so many people, black or white, young or old, gay or straight seek in life. [We] support the freedom to marry for all."
Friday, May 8, 2009
Western Queens for Marriage Equality
The Steering Committee of IntegrityNYC has decided to co-sponsor Western Queens for Marriage Equality. WQfME is a coalition of several organizations working for the promotion of Marriage Equality especially in the 12th Senate District where their representative, Senator George Onorato has openly said he will vote against Marriage Equality. The organizers reached out to IntegrityNYC, and we couldn't say no to helping in this effort. A rally is being planned for the end of May, and several Episcopalians will be participating in it.
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
iNYC Gay Pride Contingency Request

Sunday, Jun 28, 2009 (11:30 PM)
At 54th St between 5th Ave and Madison Ave (Closer to Madison Ave)
Integrity NYC is registered to march in NYC Gay Pride 2009. Newark's OASIS will be joining the contingency and marching with iNYC!
If your parish is not registered, you are welcome to join us! You can march with us even if you are from an outer borough or NJ, as iNYC is not bound by Diocesan lines.
If you have questions, you can contact the iNYC parade organizer (group marshal), Chap Day (
LINEUP: 11:30. We will probably kick off around 12:30 or 1 o'clock if they keep to the schedule.
St. Luke in the Fields is organizing a Eucharist at the meeting place for all who wish to participate. They will also have a vehicle for those with trouble walking.
I SUGGEST you bring Sunscreen. We will have a Bathroom pass that can be used to step out of the parade and get back in.
If you do not know who I am go to my Facebook page. I will be wearing a RUBY RED Marshal shirt.
At 54th St between 5th Ave and Madison Ave (Closer to Madison Ave)
Integrity NYC is registered to march in NYC Gay Pride 2009. Newark's OASIS will be joining the contingency and marching with iNYC!
If your parish is not registered, you are welcome to join us! You can march with us even if you are from an outer borough or NJ, as iNYC is not bound by Diocesan lines.
If you have questions, you can contact the iNYC parade organizer (group marshal), Chap Day (
LINEUP: 11:30. We will probably kick off around 12:30 or 1 o'clock if they keep to the schedule.
St. Luke in the Fields is organizing a Eucharist at the meeting place for all who wish to participate. They will also have a vehicle for those with trouble walking.
I SUGGEST you bring Sunscreen. We will have a Bathroom pass that can be used to step out of the parade and get back in.
If you do not know who I am go to my Facebook page. I will be wearing a RUBY RED Marshal shirt.
Chap Day,
Gay Pride,
OASIS Newark,
St Luke in the Fields
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
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